How To Import An Audio File
If you have MP3 or WAV audio clips that you want to use in an alert, here is one way to import the audio clip into the Poker Timer app.
First you need to get the audio file onto your iPhone or iPad. One way to do this is to email it to yourself. Once you've done that, open the Email app on your iPhone or iPad and tap the email:
In the email, tap the audio file attachment:
In the audio file viewer, tap the Export button:
One of the export options should be "Open in Poker Timer". Note, you may need to tap the More button to find the "Open in Poker Timer" option.
Now, switch back to the Poker Timer app and tap Alerts:
Tap the Add button to add a new alert:
Tap "Audio Clip":
Tap "Recorded and Imported Audio Clips":
You should see your audio file in the list:
Tap the alert, then tap Select:
Type a title for your new alert, and when you're done, tap "< Alerts" to go back to the Alerts screen:
You'll see your new alert at the bottom of the list. You can tap it and then tap Play to play it, or tap "Set as Default..." to set your new alert as the default alert for one of the alert types.